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第一部分:拼音 long 的全部汉字

  1. 龙 (lóng) - 字面含义:传说中的神异动物,封建时代用作帝王的象征,也指形状像龙的或装有龙纹的。出处:《說文解字》。英语含义:Dragon, imperial, surname.
  2. 龓 (lóng) - 字面含义:龍的俗字。字义同“龙”。 出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Variant form of "龙" (dragon).
  3. 笼 (lóng/lǒng) - 字面含义:竹篾或金属丝等编成的盛物器 (lóng), 遮罩,覆盖 (lǒng)。出处:《說文》(lóng), 《集韻》(lǒng)。英语含义:Cage, basket, steamer (lóng); Cover, envelop (lǒng).
  4. 聋 (lóng) - 字面含义:听不见声音。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Deaf.
  5. 隆 (lóng) - 字面含义:盛大,兴盛,高起,提高。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Grand, prosperous, bulging, to raise.
  6. 咙 (lóng) - 字面含义:喉咙。出处:《字彙補》。英语含义:Throat.
  7. 窿 (lóng) - 字面含义:窟窿,深邃。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Hole, cavity, deep.
  8. 胧 (lóng) - 字面含义:月不明,朦胧。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Dim moonlight, misty.
  9. 砻 (lóng) - 字面含义:磨谷物使去皮的农具,用砻去皮。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Hulling machine, to hull.
  10. 泷 (lóng/shuāng) - 字面含义:急流的水 (lóng),瀑布 (shuāng)。出处:《說文》(lóng), 《廣韻》(shuāng)。英语含义:Torrent, rapids (lóng); Waterfall (shuāng).
  11. 栊 (lóng) - 字面含义:楼阁。出处:《玉篇》。英语含义:Pavilion, storied building.
  12. 癃 (lóng) - 字面含义:癃闭,小便不通的病。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Dysuria, urinary retention.
  13. 砻 (lòng) - 字面含义:磨。 英语含义:To grind, to sharpen. (Note: This is a different tone than #9 but shares the same character representation in simplified Chinese. We differentiate based on dictionaries explicitly listing a separate 'lòng' tone for the action of grinding.)
  14. 垅 (lǒng) - 字面含义:田埂,垄起。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Ridge between fields, to ridge.
  15. 陇 (lǒng) - 字面含义:中国甘肃省东部地区的统称。出处:《史記·地理志》。英语含义:Longxi, a region in Gansu province.

第二部分:拼音 pian 的全部汉字

  1. 片 (piàn/piān) - 字面含义:扁薄而阔的物体 (piàn), 零星的,片段的 (piān)。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Slice, piece (piàn); Partial, fragmentary (piān).
  2. 篇 (piān) - 字面含义: 书籍、报刊等的著作的计量单位, 成著作的文章。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Piece of writing, chapter, article, volume.
  3. 骗 (piàn) - 字面含义:欺诈,用谎言或诡计使人上当。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:To deceive, to cheat, to swindle.
  4. 偏 (piān) - 字面含义:不正,歪斜, جانب, 倾斜, جانب آخر, 不在中心位置, خاص. 出处:《說文》。英语含义:Slanting, leaning, biased, partial, to deviate.
  5. 骈 (pián) - 字面含义:两马并驾, 並列的,对称的。出处:《說文》。英语含义:Team of horses, parallel, side-by-side.
  6. 胼 (pián) - 字面含义:手掌脚掌的茧子。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Calluses on hands or feet.
  7. 楄 (pián) - 字面含义:木名。 出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Name of a tree.
  8. 猵 (piān) - 字面含义:犬名。出处:《玉篇》。英语含义:Name of a dog breed.
  9. 翩 (piān) - 字面含义: سريع الخفة, 疾速地飞。出处:《詩·小雅·采薇》。英语含义:Fluttering, nimble, swiftly flying.
  10. 谝 (piǎn) - 字面含义:誇大, 夸耀,吹牛。出处:《方言》。英语含义:To boast, to brag, to show off.
  11. 蝙 (biān/piān) - 字面含义:蝙蝠 (biān/piān)。出处:《集韻》(biān/piān)。英语含义:Bat (蝙蝠 - Bat). (Note: 'pian' reading here as in 蝙蝠).
  12. 甂 (biān/pián) - 字面含义:瓦器 (biān/pián)。出处:《廣韻》(biān/pián)。英语含义:Earthenware (biān/pián). (Note: 'pian' reading possible)
  13. 覑 (piǎn) - 字面含义:小視貌。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Appearance of looking down upon.
  14. 綆 (gěng/piǎn) - 字面含义:汲井绳 (gěng) 丝 (piǎn)。 出处:《說文》(gěng), 《集韻》(piǎn)。英语含义:Well rope (gěng), silk (piǎn). (Note: 'pian' reading related to silk thread – obscure).
  15. 諞 (piǎn) - 字面含义:巧言佞色。出处:《廣韻》。英语含义:Flattering and fawning words.
  16. 跰 (pián) - 字面含义:行不正。出处:《集韻》。英语含义:Walking improperly, limping walk.

第三部分:拼音 long 和 pian 的汉字组合

  1. 龙片 - 字面含义:龙和片。臆想含义:龙鳞。英语含义:Dragon scale / Dragon piece.
  2. 龙篇 - 字面含义:龙和篇。臆想含义:关于龙的文章。英语含义:Dragon article / Dragon chapter.
  3. 龙骗 - 字面含义:龙和骗。臆想含义:用龙来欺骗。英语含义:Dragon deception / Deceive with dragon.
  4. 龙偏 - 字面含义:龙和偏。臆想含义:偏离正轨的龙。英语含义:Deviated dragon / Biased dragon.
  5. 龙骈 - 字面含义:龙和骈。臆想含义:并列的龙。英语含义:Parallel dragons / Side-by-side dragons.
  6. 龙胼 - 字面含义:龙和胼。臆想含义:长茧的龙爪。英语含义:Dragon calluses / Callused dragon claws.
  7. 龙楄 - 字面含义:龙和楄(木名)。臆想含义:龙树。英语含义:Dragon tree / Dragon and "楄" tree.
  8. 龙猵 - 字面含义:龙和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:龙犬。英语含义:Dragon dog / Dragon and "猵" dog.
  9. 龙翩 - 字面含义:龙和翩。臆想含义:飞舞的龙。英语含义:Fluttering dragon / Swiftly flying dragon.
  10. 龙谝 - 字面含义:龙和谝。臆想含义:吹牛的龙。英语含义:Bragging dragon / Boasting dragon.
  11. 龙蝙 - 字面含义:龙和蝙蝠。臆想含义:龙和蝙蝠。英语含义:Dragon and bat / Dragon bat.
  12. 龙甂 - 字面含义:龙和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:龙纹瓦器。英语含义:Dragon earthenware / Earthenware with dragon pattern.
  13. 龙覑 - 字面含义:龙和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:轻视的龙。英语含义:Disdainful dragon / Dragon looking down.
  14. 龙綆 - 字面含义:龙和綆(丝)。臆想含义:龙丝。英语含义:Dragon silk / Dragon thread.
  15. 龙諞 - 字面含义:龙和諞。臆想含义:花言巧语的龙。英语含义:Flattering dragon / Dragon with fawning words.
  16. 龙跰 - 字面含义:龙和跰。臆想含义:步履不正的龙。英语含义:Limping dragon / Dragon walking improperly.
  17. 龓片 - 字面含义:龓和片。臆想含义:龓的碎片。英语含义:Fragments of 龓 / 龓 piece.
  18. 龓篇 - 字面含义:龓和篇。臆想含义:关于龓的文章。英语含义:Article about 龓 / Chapter about 龓.
  19. 龓骗 - 字面含义:龓和骗。臆想含义:用龓来欺骗。英语含义:Deception involving 龓 / Deceive with 龓.
  20. 龓偏 - 字面含义:龓和偏。臆想含义:偏离正轨的龓。英语含义:Deviated 龓 / Biased 龓.
  21. 龓骈 - 字面含义:龓和骈。臆想含义:并列的龓。英语含义:Parallel 龓 / Side-by-side 龓.
  22. 龓胼 - 字面含义:龓和胼。臆想含义:长茧的龓。英语含义:Callused 龓 / Callused skin of 龓.
  23. 龓楄 - 字面含义:龓和楄(木名)。臆想含义:龓树。英语含义:龓 tree / 龓 and "楄" tree.
  24. 龓猵 - 字面含义:龓和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:龓犬。英语含义:龓 dog / 龓 and "猵" dog.
  25. 龓翩 - 字面含义:龓和翩。臆想含义:飞舞的龓。英语含义:Fluttering 龓 / Swiftly flying 龓.
  26. 龓谝 - 字面含义:龓和谝。臆想含义:吹牛的龓。英语含义:Bragging 龓 / Boasting 龓.
  27. 龓蝙 - 字面含义:龓和蝙蝠。臆想含义:龓和蝙蝠。英语含义:龓 and bat / 龓 bat.
  28. 龓甂 - 字面含义:龓和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:龓纹瓦器。英语含义:龓 earthenware / Earthenware with 龓 pattern.
  29. 龓覑 - 字面含义:龓和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:轻视的龓。英语含义:Disdainful 龓 / 龓 looking down.
  30. 龓綆 - 字面含义:龓和綆(丝)。臆想含义:龓丝。英语含义:龓 silk / 龓 thread.
  31. 龓諞 - 字面含义:龓和諞。臆想含义:花言巧语的龓。英语含义:Flattering 龓 / 龓 with fawning words.
  32. 龓跰 - 字面含义:龓和跰。臆想含义:步履不正的龓。英语含义:Limping 龓 / 龓 walking improperly.
  33. 笼片 - 字面含义:笼子和片。臆想含义:笼子的碎片。英语含义:Cage piece / Piece of cage.
  34. 笼篇 - 字面含义:笼子和篇。臆想含义:关于笼子的文章。英语含义:Article about cage / Chapter on cage.
  35. 笼骗 - 字面含义:笼子和骗。臆想含义:用笼子来欺骗。英语含义:Deception with cage / Deceive with cage.
  36. 笼偏 - 字面含义:笼子和偏。臆想含义:歪斜的笼子。英语含义:Slanting cage / Biased cage.
  37. 笼骈 - 字面含义:笼子和骈。臆想含义:并列的笼子。英语含义:Parallel cages / Side-by-side cages.
  38. 笼胼 - 字面含义:笼子和胼。臆想含义:笼子上磨出的茧。英语含义:Cage calluses / Calluses from using a cage.
  39. 笼楄 - 字面含义:笼子和楄(木名)。臆想含义:笼子是用楄木做的。英语含义:Cage made of "楄" wood / Cage and "楄" tree.
  40. 笼猵 - 字面含义:笼子和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:用笼子装狗。英语含义:Caged dog / Dog in a cage and "猵" dog.
  41. 笼翩 - 字面含义:笼子和翩。臆想含义:轻巧的笼子。英语含义:Nimble cage / Light cage.
  42. 笼谝 - 字面含义:笼子和谝。臆想含义:夸耀笼子。英语含义:Bragging about cage / Boasting cage.
  43. 笼蝙 - 字面含义:笼子和蝙蝠。臆想含义:装蝙蝠的笼子。英语含义:Bat cage / Cage for bats.
  44. 笼甂 - 字面含义:笼子和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:瓦器笼子。英语含义:Earthenware cage / Cage and earthenware.
  45. 笼覑 - 字面含义:笼子和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:看起来小的笼子。英语含义:Cage looked down upon / Seemingly small cage.
  46. 笼綆 - 字面含义:笼子和綆(丝)。臆想含义:丝笼。英语含义:Silk cage / Cage made of silk thread.
  47. 笼諞 - 字面含义:笼子和諞。臆想含义:用花言巧语形容笼子。英语含义:Flattering about cage / Cage with fawning words.
  48. 笼跰 - 字面含义:笼子和跰。臆想含义:不稳的笼子。英语含义:Unstable cage / Cage that walks improperly.
  49. 聋片 - 字面含义:聋的和片。臆想含义:听不见的碎片。英语含义:Deaf piece / Piece that is deaf.
  50. 聋篇 - 字面含义:聋的和篇。臆想含义:聋人写的文章。英语含义:Deaf article / Article for the deaf.
  51. 聋骗 - 字面含义:聋的和骗。臆想含义:欺骗聋人。英语含义:Deceiving the deaf / Deceive deaf person.
  52. 聋偏 - 字面含义:聋的和偏。臆想含义:偏听。英语含义:Partially deaf / Biased hearing.
  53. 聋骈 - 字面含义:聋的和骈。臆想含义:并列的聋。英语含义:Parallel deaf people / Side-by-side deaf individuals.
  54. 聋胼 - 字面含义:聋的和胼。臆想含义:因聋而麻木。英语含义:Deaf and calloused / Numb due to deafness.
  55. 聋楄 - 字面含义:聋的和楄(木名)。臆想含义:木头的声音听不见。英语含义:Deaf tree wood / Deaf and "楄" tree.
  56. 聋猵 - 字面含义:聋的和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:听不见的狗。英语含义:Deaf dog / Deaf and "猵" dog.
  57. 聋翩 - 字面含义:聋的和翩。臆想含义:听不见飞翔的声音。英语含义:Deaf to fluttering / Deaf and swift flying.
  58. 聋谝 - 字面含义:聋的和谝。臆想含义:对聋人吹牛。英语含义:Boasting to deaf person / Boastful to deaf.
  59. 聋蝙 - 字面含义:聋的和蝙蝠。臆想含义:聋子和蝙蝠。英语含义:Deaf and bat / Deaf person and bat.
  60. 聋甂 - 字面含义:聋的和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:听不到瓦器的声音。英语含义:Deaf to earthenware sound / Deaf and earthenware.
  61. 聋覑 - 字面含义:聋的和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的聋人。英语含义:Deaf person looked down upon / Deaf person disdained.
  62. 聋綆 - 字面含义:聋的和綆(丝)。臆想含义:听不到丝的声音。英语含义:Deaf to silk sound / Deaf and silk thread.
  63. 聋諞 - 字面含义:聋的和諞。臆想含义:对聋人花言巧语。英语含义:Flattering to deaf person / Flatter deaf individual.
  64. 聋跰 - 字面含义:聋的和跰。臆想含义:聋人的步履不稳。英语含义:Deaf person's unsteady walk / Deaf and improper walk.
  65. 隆片 - 字面含义:隆重和片。臆想含义:盛大的片段。英语含义:Grand piece / Piece of grandeur.
  66. 隆篇 - 字面含义:隆重和篇。臆想含义:鸿篇巨著。英语含义:Magnificent work / Grand volume.
  67. 隆骗 - 字面含义:隆重和骗。臆想含义:隆重的欺骗。英语含义:Grand deception / Elaborate swindle.
  68. 隆偏 - 字面含义:隆重和偏。臆想含义:重视偏爱。英语含义:Emphasize bias / Favoritism heavily.
  69. 隆骈 - 字面含义:隆重和骈。臆想含义:并驾齐驱的盛况。英语含义:Grand parallel / Prosperous side-by-side.
  70. 隆胼 - 字面含义:隆重和胼。臆想含义:胼手胝足的兴盛。英语含义:Prosperous with calloused hands / Grand and laborious.
  71. 隆楄 - 字面含义:隆重和楄(木名)。臆想含义:隆重的楄树。英语含义:Grand "楄" tree / Prosperous "楄" tree.
  72. 隆猵 - 字面含义:隆重和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:珍贵的狗。英语含义:Precious dog / Grand and "猵" dog.
  73. 隆翩 - 字面含义:隆重和翩。臆想含义:盛大飞舞。英语含义:Grand fluttering / Majestic swift flight.
  74. 隆谝 - 字面含义:隆重和谝。臆想含义:夸大地赞扬。英语含义:Exaggerated praise / Boasting grandly.
  75. 隆蝙 - 字面含义:隆重和蝙蝠。臆想含义:重要的蝙蝠。英语含义:Important bat / Significant bat.
  76. 隆甂 - 字面含义:隆重和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:贵重的瓦器。英语含义:Precious earthenware / Grand earthenware.
  77. 隆覑 - 字面含义:隆重和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被重视却被轻视。臆想含义矛盾。英语含义:Grand yet looked down upon / Contradictory - Grand yet disdained.
  78. 隆綆 - 字面含义:隆重和綆(丝)。臆想含义:贵重的丝。英语含义:Precious silk / Grand silk thread.
  79. 隆諞 - 字面含义:隆重和諞。臆想含义:隆重的谄媚。英语含义:Grand flattery / Elaborate fawning words.
  80. 隆跰 - 字面含义:隆重和跰。臆想含义:庄重但步履不正。臆想含义略矛盾。英语含义:Grand but walking improperly / Slightly contradictory - Grand but unsteady walk.
  81. 咙片 - 字面含义:喉咙和片。臆想含义:喉咙的碎片。英语含义:Throat piece / Piece of throat.
  82. 咙篇 - 字面含义:喉咙和篇。臆想含义:关于喉咙的文章。英语含义:Article about throat / Chapter on throat.
  83. 咙骗 - 字面含义:喉咙和骗。臆想含义:用喉咙欺骗。英语含义:Deception by throat / Deceive with throat.
  84. 咙偏 - 字面含义:喉咙和偏。臆想含义:喉咙偏斜。英语含义:Deviated throat / Slanted throat.
  85. 咙骈 - 字面含义:喉咙和骈。臆想含义:并列的喉咙 (解剖学?)。英语含义:Parallel throats / Side-by-side throats.
  86. 咙胼 - 字面含义:喉咙和胼。臆想含义:喉咙长茧 (比喻用嗓过度)。英语含义:Throat calluses / Calloused throat.
  87. 咙楄 - 字面含义:喉咙和楄(木名)。臆想含义:像喉咙的树木。英语含义:Throat-like tree / Throat and "楄" tree.
  88. 咙猵 - 字面含义:喉咙和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:喉咙像狗叫。英语含义:Throat dog / Throat and "猵" dog (throat sound like dog's).
  89. 咙翩 - 字面含义:喉咙和翩。臆想含义:声音动听如飞。英语含义:Throat flutters / Pleasant sound like fluttering.
  90. 咙谝 - 字面含义:喉咙和谝。臆想含义:用嗓子吹牛。英语含义:Boasting throat / Bragging voice.
  91. 咙蝙 - 字面含义:喉咙和蝙蝠。臆想含义:蝙蝠一样的喉咙? (比喻黑暗,声音微弱?)。英语含义:Throat bat / Bat throat (metaphorical).
  92. 咙甂 - 字面含义:喉咙和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:像瓦器一样脆弱的喉咙。英语含义:Earthenware throat / Fragile throat like earthenware.
  93. 咙覑 - 字面含义:喉咙和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:不被重视的喉咙。英语含义:Throat looked down upon / Disdained throat.
  94. 咙綆 - 字面含义:喉咙和綆(丝)。臆想含义:丝线般的喉咙 (比喻声音细弱)。英语含义:Silk throat / Throat like silk thread (weak voice).
  95. 咙諞 - 字面含义:喉咙和諞。臆想含义:用花言巧语哄骗喉咙?(难以理解的组合)。英语含义:Flattering throat / Throat with fawning words (unclear).
  96. 咙跰 - 字面含义:喉咙和跰。臆想含义:不正常的喉咙发声。英语含义:Throat walks improperly / Abnormal throat sound.
  97. 窿片 - 字面含义:窟窿和片。臆想含义:窟窿碎片。英语含义:Hole piece / Piece of hole.
  98. 窿篇 - 字面含义:窟窿和篇。臆想含义:关于窟窿的文章。英语含义:Article about hole / Chapter on hole.
  99. 窿骗 - 字面含义:窟窿和骗。臆想含义:用窟窿欺骗。英语含义:Deception by hole / Deceive with hole.
  100. 窿偏 - 字面含义:窟窿和偏。臆想含义:歪斜的窟窿。英语含义:Slanted hole / Deviated hole.
  101. 窿骈 - 字面含义:窟窿和骈。臆想含义:并列的窟窿。英语含义:Parallel holes / Side-by-side holes.
  102. 窿胼 - 字面含义:窟窿和胼。臆想含义:窟窿口磨出茧。英语含义:Hole calluses / Calluses around a hole.
  103. 窿楄 - 字面含义:窟窿和楄(木名)。臆想含义:窟窿里的树木。英语含义:Tree in hole / Tree in cavity.
  104. 窿猵 - 字面含义:窟窿和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:窟窿里的狗。英语含义:Dog in hole / Dog in cavity.
  105. 窿翩 - 字面含义:窟窿和翩。臆想含义:从窟窿里飞出。英语含义:Fluttering from hole / Swiftly flying from cavity.
  106. 窿谝 - 字面含义:窟窿和谝。臆想含义:在窟窿里吹牛。英语含义:Boasting in hole / Bragging inside cavity.
  107. 窿蝙 - 字面含义:窟窿和蝙蝠。臆想含义:窟窿里的蝙蝠。英语含义:Bat in hole / Bat in cavity.
  108. 窿甂 - 字面含义:窟窿和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:窟窿里的瓦器。英语含义:Earthenware in hole / Earthenware in cavity.
  109. 窿覑 - 字面含义:窟窿和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的窟窿。英语含义:Hole looked down upon / Disdained cavity.
  110. 窿綆 - 字面含义:窟窿和綆(丝)。臆想含义:窟窿里的丝线。英语含义:Silk in hole / Silk thread in cavity.
  111. 窿諞 - 字面含义:窟窿和諞。臆想含义:在窟窿里花言巧语。英语含义:Flattering in hole / Fawning words in cavity.
  112. 窿跰 - 字面含义:窟窿和跰。臆想含义:不稳的窟窿。英语含义:Unstable hole / Cavity that walks improperly.
  113. 胧片 - 字面含义:朦胧和片。臆想含义:朦胧的碎片。英语含义:Misty piece / Piece of mistiness.
  114. 胧篇 - 字面含义:朦胧和篇。臆想含义:朦胧的文章。英语含义:Misty article / Vague chapter.
  115. 胧骗 - 字面含义:朦胧和骗。臆想含义:用朦胧来欺骗。英语含义:Deception by mistiness / Deceive with vagueness.
  116. 胧偏 - 字面含义:朦胧和偏。臆想含义:朦胧中的偏差。英语含义:Misty bias / Bias within mistiness.
  117. 胧骈 - 字面含义:朦胧和骈。臆想含义:朦胧的并列。英语含义:Misty parallel / Side-by-side in mistiness.
  118. 胧胼 - 字面含义:朦胧和胼。臆想含义:朦胧中的茧。英语含义:Misty calluses / Calluses in mistiness.
  119. 胧楄 - 字面含义:朦胧和楄(木名)。臆想含义:朦胧的树。英语含义:Misty tree / Vague tree.
  120. 胧猵 - 字面含义:朦胧和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:朦胧中的狗。英语含义:Misty dog / Dog in mistiness.
  121. 胧翩 - 字面含义:朦胧和翩。臆想含义:朦胧的飞舞。英语含义:Misty fluttering / Swift flight in mistiness.
  122. 胧谝 - 字面含义:朦胧和谝。臆想含义:朦胧的吹牛。英语含义:Misty boasting / Vague bragging.
  123. 胧蝙 - 字面含义:朦胧和蝙蝠。臆想含义:朦胧中的蝙蝠。英语含义:Misty bat / Bat in mistiness.
  124. 胧甂 - 字面含义:朦胧和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:朦胧的瓦器。英语含义:Misty earthenware / Vague earthenware.
  125. 胧覑 - 字面含义:朦胧和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:朦胧中被轻视。英语含义:Misty looked down upon / Disdained in mistiness.
  126. 胧綆 - 字面含义:朦胧和綆(丝)。臆想含义:朦胧的丝线。英语含义:Misty silk / Vague silk thread.
  127. 胧諞 - 字面含义:朦胧和諞。臆想含义:在朦胧中花言巧语。英语含义:Misty flattering / Fawning words in mistiness.
  128. 胧跰 - 字面含义:朦胧和跰。臆想含义:朦胧的不稳。英语含义:Misty improper walk / Unstable in mistiness.
  129. 砻片 - 字面含义:砻和片。臆想含义:砻磨碎片。英语含义:Hulling piece / Piece from hulling.
  130. 砻篇 - 字面含义:砻和篇。臆想含义:关于砻的文章。英语含义:Article about hulling / Chapter on hulling.
  131. 砻骗 - 字面含义:砻和骗。臆想含义:用砻欺骗 (器具本身难以直接欺骗,比喻用假农具?)。英语含义:Deception by huller / Deceive with huller (metaphorical).
  132. 砻偏 - 字面含义:砻和偏。臆想含义:磨偏的砻。英语含义:Biased huller / Slanted huller.
  133. 砻骈 - 字面含义:砻和骈。臆想含义:并列的砻。英语含义:Parallel hullers / Side-by-side hullers.
  134. 砻胼 - 字面含义:砻和胼。臆想含义:用砻磨出手茧。英语含义:Hulling calluses / Calluses from using a huller.
  135. 砻楄 - 字面含义:砻和楄(木名)。臆想含义:用楄木做砻。英语含义:Huller made of "楄" wood / Huller and "楄" tree.
  136. 砻猵 - 字面含义:砻和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:狗拉砻? (旧时可能有动物拉磨)。英语含义:Dog-pulled huller / Dog pulling huller and "猵" dog.
  137. 砻翩 - 字面含义:砻和翩。臆想含义:轻巧的砻。英语含义:Nimble huller / Light huller.
  138. 砻谝 - 字面含义:砻和谝。臆想含义:吹嘘砻的性能。英语含义:Boasting huller / Bragging about huller.
  139. 砻蝙 - 字面含义:砻和蝙蝠。臆想含义:砻旁边有蝙蝠。英语含义:Huller bat / Bat beside huller.
  140. 砻甂 - 字面含义:砻和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:砻磨瓦器? (不常见搭配)。英语含义:Hulling earthenware / Hulling earthenware.
  141. 砻覑 - 字面含义:砻和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的砻。英语含义:Huller looked down upon / Disdained huller.
  142. 砻綆 - 字面含义:砻和綆(丝)。臆想含义:用丝线拉砻? (非常规)。英语含义:Silk huller / Huller pulled by silk thread.
  143. 砻諞 - 字面含义:砻和諞。臆想含义:花言巧语介绍砻?。英语含义:Flattering huller / Fawning words about huller.
  144. 砻跰 - 字面含义:砻和跰。臆想含义:不稳的砻。英语含义:Unstable huller / Huller that walks improperly.
  145. 泷片 - 字面含义:泷和片。臆想含义:瀑布水花碎片。英语含义:Waterfall piece / Piece of waterfall spray.
  146. 泷篇 - 字面含义:泷和篇。臆想含义:关于瀑布的文章。英语含义:Article about waterfall / Chapter on waterfall.
  147. 泷骗 - 字面含义:泷和骗。臆想含义:用瀑布来欺骗 (视觉或听觉效果?)。英语含义:Deception by waterfall / Deceive with waterfall effect.
  148. 泷偏 - 字面含义:泷和偏。臆想含义:偏斜的瀑布。英语含义:Slanted waterfall / Deviated waterfall.
  149. 泷骈 - 字面含义:泷和骈。臆想含义:并列的瀑布。英语含义:Parallel waterfalls / Side-by-side waterfalls.
  150. 泷胼 - 字面含义:泷和胼。臆想含义:在瀑布边磨出茧 (劳作?)。英语含义:Waterfall calluses / Calluses from working by waterfall.
  151. 泷楄 - 字面含义:泷和楄(木名)。臆想含义:瀑布边的楄树。英语含义:Waterfall "楄" tree / "楄" tree by waterfall.
  152. 泷猵 - 字面含义:泷和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:瀑布边的狗。英语含义:Waterfall dog / Dog by waterfall.
  153. 泷翩 - 字面含义:泷和翩。臆想含义:瀑布飞舞的水花。英语含义:Waterfall fluttering / Waterfall spray in swift motion.
  154. 泷谝 - 字面含义:泷和谝。臆想含义:夸耀瀑布。英语含义:Boasting waterfall / Bragging about waterfall.
  155. 泷蝙 - 字面含义:泷和蝙蝠。臆想含义:瀑布边的蝙蝠。英语含义:Waterfall bat / Bat by waterfall.
  156. 泷甂 - 字面含义:泷和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:瀑布边的瓦器。英语含义:Waterfall earthenware / Earthenware by waterfall.
  157. 泷覑 - 字面含义:泷和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的瀑布 (可能指小瀑布)。英语含义:Waterfall looked down upon / Disdained waterfall (small waterfall?).
  158. 泷綆 - 字面含义:泷和綆(丝)。臆想含义:瀑布边的丝线。英语含义:Waterfall silk / Silk thread by waterfall.
  159. 泷諞 - 字面含义:泷和諞。臆想含义:赞美瀑布的言辞。英语含义:Flattering waterfall / Fawning words about waterfall.
  160. 泷跰 - 字面含义:泷和跰。臆想含义:瀑布流动不稳?(河流或水流本身流动是动态,说“不稳”可能指异常流动状态)。英语含义:Waterfall improper walk / Unstable waterfall flow.
  161. 栊片 - 字面含义:楼阁和片。臆想含义:楼阁碎片。英语含义:Pavilion piece / Piece of pavilion.
  162. 栊篇 - 字面含义:楼阁和篇。臆想含义:关于楼阁的文章。英语含义:Article about pavilion / Chapter on pavilion.
  163. 栊骗 - 字面含义:楼阁和骗。臆想含义:在楼阁里欺骗? (隐蔽性场所)。英语含义:Deception in pavilion / Deceive in pavilion.
  164. 栊偏 - 字面含义:楼阁和偏。臆想含义:歪斜的楼阁。英语含义:Slanted pavilion / Deviated pavilion.
  165. 栊骈 - 字面含义:楼阁和骈。臆想含义:并列的楼阁。英语含义:Parallel pavilions / Side-by-side pavilions.
  166. 栊胼 - 字面含义:楼阁和胼。臆想含义:建造楼阁磨出手茧。英语含义:Pavilion calluses / Calluses from building pavilions.
  167. 栊楄 - 字面含义:楼阁和楄(木名)。臆想含义:用楄木建楼阁。英语含义:Pavilion made of "楄" wood / Pavilion and "楄" tree.
  168. 栊猵 - 字面含义:楼阁和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:楼阁里的狗。英语含义:Pavilion dog / Dog in pavilion.
  169. 栊翩 - 字面含义:楼阁和翩。臆想含义:轻盈的楼阁 (形容建筑风格)。英语含义:Nimble pavilion / Light pavilion (architectural style).
  170. 栊谝 - 字面含义:楼阁和谝。臆想含义:夸耀楼阁。英语含义:Boasting pavilion / Bragging about pavilion.
  171. 栊蝙 - 字面含义:楼阁和蝙蝠。臆想含义:楼阁里的蝙蝠。英语含义:Pavilion bat / Bat in pavilion.
  172. 栊甂 - 字面含义:楼阁和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:楼阁上的瓦器装饰。英语含义:Pavilion earthenware / Earthenware decoration on pavilion.
  173. 栊覑 - 字面含义:楼阁和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的楼阁 (可能指简陋或被忽视的楼阁)。英语含义:Pavilion looked down upon / Disdained pavilion (simple or neglected?).
  174. 栊綆 - 字面含义:楼阁和綆(丝)。臆想含义:楼阁上的丝绸装饰。英语含义:Pavilion silk / Silk decoration in pavilion.
  175. 栊諞 - 字面含义:楼阁和諞。臆想含义:花言巧语描述楼阁。英语含义:Flattering pavilion / Fawning words about pavilion.
  176. 栊跰 - 字面含义:楼阁和跰。臆想含义:不稳的楼阁 (地基不牢?)。英语含义:Unstable pavilion / Pavilion with improper walk (unstable foundation?).
  177. 癃片 - 字面含义:癃和片。臆想含义:癃疾的病理切片? (医学角度)。英语含义:Dysuria piece / Piece related to dysuria.
  178. 癃篇 - 字面含义:癃和篇。臆想含义:关于癃疾的文章。英语含义:Article about dysuria / Chapter on dysuria.
  179. 癃骗 - 字面含义:癃和骗。臆想含义:假装癃疾? (装病?)。英语含义:Deception of dysuria / Feigning dysuria.
  180. 癃偏 - 字面含义:癃和偏。臆想含义:癃疾的一种偏方。英语含义:Dysuria bias / Biased (alternative) treatment for dysuria.
  181. 癃骈 - 字面含义:癃和骈。臆想含义:并发的癃疾? (医学角度)。英语含义:Parallel dysuria / Co-occurring dysuria.
  182. 癃胼 - 字面含义:癃和胼。臆想含义:因癃疾卧床导致身体长茧?(病弱导致长期卧床)。英语含义:Dysuria calluses / Calluses from being bedridden due to dysuria.
  183. 癃楄 - 字面含义:癃和楄(木名)。臆想含义:治疗癃疾的楄木 (药用植物)。英语含义:Dysuria "楄" tree / "楄" tree for treating dysuria.
  184. 癃猵 - 字面含义:癃和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:治疗癃疾的狗? (动物疗法)。英语含义:Dysuria dog / Dog for treating dysuria.
  185. 癃翩 - 字面含义:癃和翩。臆想含义:形容癃疾发作时的某种状态 (例如 痛苦 导致 身体抽搐)。英语含义:Dysuria fluttering / Fluttering motion related to dysuria (pain).
  186. 癃谝 - 字面含义:癃和谝。臆想含义:夸大病情 (癃疾)。英语含义:Boasting dysuria / Bragging about dysuria condition.
  187. 癃蝙 - 字面含义:癃和蝙蝠。臆想含义:与癃疾相关的蝙蝠 (传统医学可能有蝙蝠入药的说法)。英语含义:Dysuria bat / Bat related to dysuria treatment (traditional medicine?).
  188. 癃甂 - 字面含义:癃和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:药罐 (治疗癃疾)。英语含义:Dysuria earthenware / Earthenware pot for dysuria medicine.
  189. 癃覑 - 字面含义:癃和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的癃疾 (可能指不被重视的疾病)。英语含义:Dysuria looked down upon / Disdained dysuria (neglected disease?).
  190. 癃綆 - 字面含义:癃和綆(丝)。臆想含义:细如丝的尿液 (形容癃闭病情)。英语含义:Dysuria silk / Silk-like urine flow (thin stream).
  191. 癃諞 - 字面含义:癃和諞。臆想含义:花言巧语地描述病情 (癃疾)。英语含义:Flattering dysuria / Fawning words about dysuria condition.
  192. 癃跰 - 字面含义:癃和跰。臆想含义:癃疾导致行动不便。英语含义:Dysuria improper walk / Improper walk due to dysuria.
  193. 砻片 - 字面含义:磨和片。臆想含义:磨成碎片。英语含义:Grind piece / Ground piece.
  194. 砻篇 - 字面含义:磨和篇。臆想含义:关于磨的文章。英语含义:Article about grinding / Chapter on grinding.
  195. 砻骗 - 字面含义:磨和骗。臆想含义:用磨具来骗人? (质量差的磨具,欺诈消费者)。英语含义:Deception by grinding / Deceive with grinder (inferior quality?).
  196. 砻偏 - 字面含义:磨和偏。臆想含义:磨偏了。英语含义:Grind biased / Grinding off-center.
  197. 砻骈 - 字面含义:磨和骈。臆想含义:并列的磨具。英语含义:Parallel grinders / Side-by-side grinders.
  198. 砻胼 - 字面含义:磨和胼。臆想含义:磨出手茧。英语含义:Grinding calluses / Calluses from grinding.
  199. 砻楄 - 字面含义:磨和楄(木名)。臆想含义:用楄木做磨具。英语含义:Grinder made of "楄" wood / Grinder and "楄" tree.
  200. 砻猵 - 字面含义:磨和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:狗拉磨。英语含义:Dog grinder / Dog-powered grinder.
  201. 砻翩 - 字面含义:磨和翩。臆想含义:磨得飞快? (形容磨的效率高)。英语含义:Grinding swiftly / Swiftly grinding.
  202. 砻谝 - 字面含义:磨和谝。臆想含义:夸耀磨的性能。英语含义:Boasting grinder / Bragging about grinder performance.
  203. 砻蝙 - 字面含义:磨和蝙蝠。臆想含义:磨房里有蝙蝠。英语含义:Grinder bat / Bat in grinder room.
  204. 砻甂 - 字面含义:磨和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:磨瓦器。英语含义:Grinding earthenware / Grinding earthenware objects.
  205. 砻覑 - 字面含义:磨和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的磨具 (简陋的磨具?)。英语含义:Grinder looked down upon / Disdained grinder (simple grinder?).
  206. 砻綆 - 字面含义:磨和綆(丝)。臆想含义:用丝线做磨具的部件? (罕见用法)。英语含义:Silk grinder / Grinder with silk parts (unusual).
  207. 砻諞 - 字面含义:磨和諞。臆想含义:花言巧语推销磨具。英语含义:Flattering grinder / Fawning words to sell grinder.
  208. 砻跰 - 字面含义:磨和跰。臆想含义:不稳的磨具。英语含义:Unstable grinder / Grinder that walks improperly.
  209. 垅片 - 字面含义:田埂和片。臆想含义:田埂的碎片。英语含义:Ridge piece / Piece of ridge.
  210. 垅篇 - 字面含义:田埂和篇。臆想含义:关于田埂的文章。英语含义:Article about ridge / Chapter on ridge.
  211. 垅骗 - 字面含义:田埂和骗。臆想含义:在田埂边设骗局。英语含义:Deception on ridge / Deceive by ridge.
  212. 垅偏 - 字面含义:田埂和偏。臆想含义:歪斜的田埂。英语含义:Slanted ridge / Deviated ridge.
  213. 垅骈 - 字面含义:田埂和骈。臆想含义:并列的田埂。英语含义:Parallel ridges / Side-by-side ridges.
  214. 垅胼 - 字面含义:田埂和胼。臆想含义:修田埂磨出手茧。英语含义:Ridge calluses / Calluses from building ridges.
  215. 垅楄 - 字面含义:田埂和楄(木名)。臆想含义:田埂边的楄树。英语含义:Ridge "楄" tree / "楄" tree by ridge.
  216. 垅猵 - 字面含义:田埂和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:在田埂边看家的狗。英语含义:Ridge dog / Dog by ridge.
  217. 垅翩 - 字面含义:田埂和翩。臆想含义:田埂上轻盈的步伐。英语含义:Ridge fluttering / Nimble steps on ridge.
  218. 垅谝 - 字面含义:田埂和谝。臆想含义:在田埂上吹牛闲聊。英语含义:Boasting on ridge / Bragging on ridge.
  219. 垅蝙 - 字面含义:田埂和蝙蝠。臆想含义:田埂边的蝙蝠。英语含义:Ridge bat / Bat by ridge.
  220. 垅甂 - 字面含义:田埂和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:田埂边的瓦器碎片 (旧时可能有瓦器作田间施肥或引水的工具)。英语含义:Ridge earthenware / Earthenware by ridge.
  221. 垅覑 - 字面含义:田埂和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被忽视的田埂。英语含义:Ridge looked down upon / Disdained ridge (neglected ridge?).
  222. 垅綆 - 字面含义:田埂和綆(丝)。臆想含义:田埂边放丝线?(田间劳作可能用到丝线测量)。英语含义:Ridge silk / Silk thread by ridge.
  223. 垅諞 - 字面含义:田埂和諞。臆想含义:在田埂上花言巧语。英语含义:Flattering on ridge / Fawning words on ridge.
  224. 垅跰 - 字面含义:田埂和跰。臆想含义:不平稳的田埂。英语含义:Ridge improper walk / Unstable ridge.
  225. 陇片 - 字面含义:陇和片。臆想含义:陇地的片段。英语含义:Longxi piece / Piece of Longxi region.
  226. 陇篇 - 字面含义:陇和篇。臆想含义:关于陇地的文章。英语含义:Article about Longxi / Chapter on Longxi.
  227. 陇骗 - 字面含义:陇和骗。臆想含义:在陇地设骗局。英语含义:Deception in Longxi / Deceive in Longxi region.
  228. 陇偏 - 字面含义:陇和偏。臆想含义:陇地的偏远地区。英语含义:Longxi bias / Biased (remote) area of Longxi.
  229. 陇骈 - 字面含义:陇和骈。臆想含义:陇地并列的山脉。英语含义:Longxi parallel / Parallel mountains in Longxi.
  230. 陇胼 - 字面含义:陇和胼。臆想含义:陇地人民辛勤劳作的手脚长茧。英语含义:Longxi calluses / Calluses of Longxi people from hard work.
  231. 陇楄 - 字面含义:陇和楄(木名)。臆想含义:陇地生长的楄树。英语含义:Longxi "楄" tree / "楄" tree growing in Longxi.
  232. 陇猵 - 字面含义:陇和猵(犬名)。臆想含义:陇地的狗。英语含义:Longxi dog / Dog of Longxi region.
  233. 陇翩 - 字面含义:陇和翩。臆想含义:形容陇地轻盈的风景。英语含义:Longxi fluttering / Nimble scenery of Longxi.
  234. 陇谝 - 字面含义:陇和谝。臆想含义:夸耀陇地的风土人情。英语含义:Boasting Longxi / Bragging about Longxi region.
  235. 陇蝙 - 字面含义:陇和蝙蝠。臆想含义:陇地的蝙蝠。英语含义:Longxi bat / Bat in Longxi region.
  236. 陇甂 - 字面含义:陇和甂(瓦器)。臆想含义:陇地的瓦器。英语含义:Longxi earthenware / Earthenware from Longxi.
  237. 陇覑 - 字面含义:陇和覑(小视貌)。臆想含义:被轻视的陇地 (可能指经济落后时期)。英语含义:Longxi looked down upon / Disdained Longxi (during economically backward period?).
  238. 陇綆 - 字面含义:陇和綆(丝)。臆想含义:陇地出产的丝绸。英语含义:Longxi silk / Silk from Longxi.
  239. 陇諞 - 字面含义:陇和諞。臆想含义:赞美陇地的花言巧语。英语含义:Flattering Longxi / Fawning words praising Longxi.
  240. 陇跰 - 字面含义:陇和跰。臆想含义:陇地崎岖不平的道路。英语含义:Longxi improper walk / Uneven roads of Longxi.



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